
Incoming! - A New Twitter Search Client For Your Mac

Thursday, July 23, 2009

For the last few months I've been hard at work on a new type of Twitter client for Mac, and today I'm excited to release the first public beta of Incoming!.

Incoming! is different from every other Twitter client - it's wholly focused on searching Twitter. You can't even sign-in if you wanted to. It's a tool for following your favorite topics, catching breaking news, and seeing what users are saying about your brand and your products.

Think of it as an RSS reader for Twitter. Create a search, add the terms you're looking for, and watch the tweets start rolling in.

But with all those tweets there's bound to be a lot of noise - Incoming! helps you filter through the tweets that don't matter and zero in on the users who do. Our Influencer score lets you pinpoint the most influential users within the topic you're researching. This doesn't mean you should ignore everyone else, but it does let you find the most authoritative voices and respond to them first.

Incoming! (the exclamation mark is part of the name) is filled with advanced features for all you marketing types out there, too. You can flag tweets for followup, keep track of the ones you've replied to, and even mark them as good or bad. It's a great way to see what the prevailing opinion is of your brand. And, once you're done, you can export your results to Excel and easily calculate word of mouth impressions to share with a client.

Did I mention that Incoming! speaks different languages? If you come across a Tweet in a foreign language, Incoming! can translate it for you with one click.

Incoming! also extracts every link and photo from your tweets. This lets you see an aggregated view of the most popular links and photos. Watching a breaking news story? Instantly find the best news link brought to you by the wisdom of the crowd. Following the Iranian election? View photos from the streets of Tehran as they're posted.

Incoming! does this all - and more - with a sleek UI built exclusively for Mac OS X Leopard.

Now that the marketing speak is out of the way, it's your turn. Incoming! is in beta, so please download and let me know what you think. Now's the perfect time to send in your feature requests and tell me about the parts you don't like, so I can build the best Twitter search client possible, for you.